i dont like i had breakdown ttuesday last week and thatt mean next week i will have another breakdown i hatte this dawg BUT at least i dont wanna kill myself and im not having tantrums and showin too much emotion yeah but im not gonna be able to talk tto my therapists or psychiatrists until next year even though my brain is in a shit state oh weelll but at least my brain is not in as shit of a state as last yrear gonna post this shit shit on my web sit e dawg gotta just gottsa uhhh
also my fucking mom keeps on accusing me of faking shit like when i stim she says you jus t have adhd stop drama of pretend you are autistivc
i woke up early today and nmy body hurts kinda i feel kinda sick and my head is ouchy and all over the place even though i took my fucking concerta and risperidone
What happened? Is there anything I can do?